That “magical” baby sleep product isn’t worth it

A question I get asked a lot by families who’ve just discovered Sleep by Steph is: “What’s the best sleep product I can buy to help my baby sleep well?” Step into any baby store and you’ll see product after product that promises to solve all your baby and child sleep problems. Storybooks that lull […]
A good night’s sleep starts with the right environment – Part 2

If you’ve used any of my educational resources before, you’ll know how helpful it is to be consistent when you’re creating a positive routine for your little one. This applies to WHEN they sleep but also to WHERE they sleep. When they’re at home, be consistent and put them down to sleep in one location […]
A good night’s sleep starts with the right environment – Part 1

It doesn’t matter if your baby or child sleeps in your room or their own, the optimal environment for them to get the sleep they need is a room that’s dark at night, dim/dark during the day, quiet but not dead silent, and not too warm or cold. Let’s talk about why. Overnight, the first […]
Baby & Child sleep – Understanding your role, mindset & routine

There are many valid reasons why your baby or child might not be sleeping well, and “my little one hates sleep” just isn’t one of them! The same goes for the ideas that “babies and children don’t sleep” and “my baby isn’t a good sleeper”. These ideas are just not true, and they’re definitely not […]
Safe Infant Sleep – SIDS and Red Nose Australia

When I talk about baby and child sleep, I always use three words: Simple, Straightforward, and safe. Doing your absolute best to keep your little one safe is one of the most important parts of your job as a parent or caregiver, and that applies to when they’re sleeping too. You might have heard of […]
The problem with pre-set awake windows for babies and children

What do you usually do the day after a really late night? Do you stay awake until the same time as usual, or do you head to bed earlier to catch up on the sleep you missed? I’m willing to bet that, given half the chance, you choose that earlier bedtime – because being overtired […]
Baby and child sleep – tired signs mean sleep time

I want you to think for a minute about what you do when you’re tired. Do you yawn? Stretch? Find it hard to concentrate? These are all examples of what I call your ‘tired signs’. You might not consciously notice them in yourself, but they’re there, and they’re your body’s way of telling you that […]
To burp your baby…or not to burp your baby?

Why am I, a baby and child sleep expert, talking to you about burping? Well, I believe in giving you all the tools I can to help you and your little ones be happy and healthy both day and night, and gassy babies are not happy ones! Whether they’re breastfed or bottle fed, babies swallow […]
Good feeding and nutrition habits equal better sleep

One of the secrets to getting a good night’s sleep for your baby or child lies in looking at their energy needs and hunger. Just as they need sleep, they need to take in enough calories so their little bodies and brains have enough energy to keep functioning and growing. When that need isn’t met, […]
Baby and child sleep – health comes first

As a registered nurse for over 20 years and a fully qualified baby and child sleep consultant, I have an extensive background in healthcare, and this enables me to take a very thorough approach to my work. Before commencing personalised sessions with your family, I will always inquire about the health status and any existing […]